Monday June 13
After a busy start to the year, and celebrating mum's 90th birthday over the weekend, we were finally ready for our trip. A big thank you to my sister Heather who picked us up and drove us to the airport. Being a public holiday we expected the airport to be busy, but we found it quieter than usual so we waltzed through customs and immigration and had plenty of time up our sleeve. Noelle got a phone call from her friend Jeanette Hardy (who had just returned from Europe) to say she had just dropped her sister off as Marg was flying to London with Singapore Airlines. You wouldn't believe who we were seated next to for the flight to Singapore - Marg!!
We said goodbye to Marg in Singapore, then took off again at 2am Melbourne time headed for Amsterdam. As soon as the plane had leveled off we put our eyeshades on and went to sleep, or as best you can do in economy! It was a 12 hour flight and we got some reasonable sleep, so we were in good shape when we landed. Again we were blessed with someone nice to sit next to, and so after collecting our luggage we had a coffee with our new friends Irene and Henk before we went our separate ways.
We travelled by train from Schipol airport to Haarlem, which is a very pretty town from what we saw, with bikes parked everywhere. The train doesn't go to IJmuiden where our cruise leaves from so we got a taxi from Haarlem, and were glad that our room was ready for us.
Noelle outside Haarlem station
Feeling refreshed after a good shower we enjoyed a big lunch, then headed for the locks that keep the North Sea from swamping Holland. The story goes that in WW2 the Germans told the Dutch to surrender or they would blow up the locks, so the Dutch surrendered! We could see how vital they are, and were fortunate to see them operating, including the opening of the bridge we walked across to let a yacht through.
Looking towards Bunker island and the North Sea
Yacht passing through the opened bridge
Lock gates open and barges head inland
An early night was definitely on the agenda, and being in a seaside port area we thought it was quirky how we had this picture to look at as we lay in bed - it was attached to the ceiling!